Monday, November 15, 2010
Black Friday ads
Monday, November 8, 2010
Black Girls Rock

Sunday, November 7, 2010
For Colored Girls

Being alive and being a woman is all I got, but being colored is a metaphysical dilemma I haven't conquered yet." -- Tangie (Tandy Newton)
Let's be brutally honest. Most women go to the movies their boyfriends pick, generally action/adventure films, the majority of which star white action heroes. This effectively freezes out the black American woman, which is not only unfair culturally but also would seem to be obtuse, businesswise, as I suspect there are more than a few black women who would like to go to movies, if they could only find some that spoke to them. That's why I've championed Tyler Perry, Atlanta's indigenous filmmaker who actually maintains a steady production output. The market is there, he's tapped into it, and I say more power to him. There's just one problem: While his dramatic instincts are good, his technical flair has been weak.